How to submit an Html5 contact form to a mySQL database using PHP and JQuery Ajax

How to submit an Html5 contact form to a mySQL database using PHP and JQuery Ajax


5 min read

Hi Guys! This is my first post on here and I'm so excited writing this.

Don't want to waste too much time exchanging pleasantries but I think it'll be good to note that I'm not a back-end developer, neither neither do I code PHP but I'm on an internship with HNG and this week's task had me learning how to do all of this thanks to YouTube and numerous Google searches.

What You'll Need For This Process

  1. A windows computer
  2. VS Code
  3. Git / Github
  4. XamPP
  5. MySQL Workbench

I assume that you already have your project folder containing the basic html, css or and js files for your we page so without further ado, let's get down to business

Creating the PHP file

Go to xampp control panel , start Apache server and mySQL. Now move your project folder to xampp/htdocs if you haven't done that already. Open up your project folder in VS code and create a new file named 'form.php' (you can name this anything else, doesn't matter). You should be able to view your page on localhost/sitename.

In your form, add the action attribute and set it to 'form.php'.

<form id="subscribers" action="form.php">
    <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email..." name="email">
    <input type="submit" value="Subscribe">

Getting the email data on form submit

In your form.php, write the codes to get the email data on form submit and store them in a variable.


  $email = $_POST['email'];


Easy right? Now let us create a database on xampp phpMyAdmin so we can get the details we need to setup a db connection.

Creating the database.

Open your browser and go to localhost/phpmyadmin. On the left hand side where we have a list of databases, you'll see a + New option. Click it.


Now give your database a name, select type and then click create. In this case, we'll name our database 'myform'


Your new db should appear on the left has menu along with the others. Now click your db and then select, create new table and give your table a name. In this case, I'll name our table 'subscribers' and set 'number of columns' to '2' because we are only submitting one value per row. The first column will be used as index.

Adjust table settings as shown below


Now your datatable is ready. Let us head back to our php file.

Creating a mySQL connection

Now we will use PHP method for creating a db connection. Our hostname is 'localhost', username is an empty string, password is 'root' and dbName is 'myform'


// get value of email on submit
  $email = $_POST['email'];

  //database details

  $dbhost = "localhost";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "root";
  $tablename = "myform";

  // Attempt a MySQL connection.
  $sqlconn = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $tablename);

  // Check if connection was successful and return an error message if otherwise
  if($sqlconn === false){
    die("ERROR: Couldn't connect to database. " . $mysqli->connect_error);
  } else {

  // mySQL query execution to submit data
  $sql = "INSERT INTO subscribers (email) VALUES ('$email')";

  if($sqlconn->query($sql) === true){
   echo "Submission successful";
  } else{
   echo "ERROR: Could not execute $sql. " . $mysqli->error;

  // Close the connection


This should work now, submitting your html should successfully send the email to the database. You should see something like this


Now we are all set, our app is working locally! What next?

Adding jQuery Ajax

Now, If you noticed, our form redirects to form.php which is a completely empty page asides the success/error message displayed... Bad UX of course so what do we do? JQuery to the rescue. Create a new file and name it whatever you like; in this case, 'ajax.js'.

Now, add a script tag just below the body tag to your page and link it to your js file. Add jQuery cdn just above your ajax.js script:

<script src=""></script>

Open up your js file and write the following codes in it.

$(function() {
  $('form').submit(function(e) {

    //prevent default form submission

   //ajax form submission
          type: 'POST',
          url: 'form.php',
          data: $(this).serialize(),
          success: (message) => {
           // add an action to be carried out when submission is successful
          // add an action to be carried out when submission is successful
          error: (error) => {

Now our form will no longer refresh page because ajax does the form submission asynchronously in the background.

Deploying your app to heroku

Now that we have our app working locally, let us try to move ir to a live server and connect it with a remote database. In this case, we'll use Heroku and JawsDB.